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Focus group methods were selected to uncover the wide range of reasons that drug-abusing women may have for engaging in heterosexual anal intercourse. Focus groups are particularly well suited for uncovering a full Warenangebot of opinions, experiences, or concerns about a topic (Krueger, 1994). Given the limited nature of information on this topic, we thought that the types of generative discussions that take place during focus groups would yield the widest Warenangebot of experiences, opinions, and insight into women’s reasons for and experiences of engaging in anal intercourse.

Rein our study, several women endorsed the idea that their male partners wanted to facilitate an experience for the women that they had never had before and that anal intercourse welches one such new, perhaps exotic experience. Alternatively, women in our study also endorsed the belief that they would only have anal intercourse with special male partners or on special occasions, suggesting that anal intercourse may act as a “gift” from the women to these special partners. The idea of anal sex being reserved for special partners contradicts findings of Mackesy-Amiti et al. (2010) Weltgesundheitsorganisation found that relationship closeness welches not associated with anal intercourse rein a sample of drug-using women.

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The most frequently reported reason women offered for engaging in anal intercourse was because they were high

Thus, while the woman may have granted permission implicitly by not refusing outright, anal intercourse was not something she decided to do in any conscious way.

But as with so many customs, little information is available to assess the impact of clay and its congeners on human health.

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A total of 32 women participated rein four separate focus groups about heterosexual women’s experiences with anal intercourse. All participants were recruited through an outpatient drug treatment program and a community-based HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) testing program; the testing program welches located at the Center for Behavioral Research and Services (CBRS), an organized research center of the California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). Women were invited to asian babe participate in the focus groups if they were at least 18 years of age and acknowledged having had anal intercourse with a man during a previous Untersuchung at CBRS and had past experience of illicit drug use.

Anal sex refers to any activity that involves inserting a penis, toy, or fingers into the anus. Anal sex could also include the sexual technique known as “rimming” — where one person stimulates their partner’s anus with their mouth.

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It’s impossible to say exactly what anal sex feels like. So many factors, from someone’s anatomy to their sexual experience, play a role.

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